Raising a strong willed daughter can be exhausting and draining, but embracing this personality trait can teach them how to use their will advantageously. Often I write about raising your strong willed or spirited son, but it isn’t very often that I write about raising the strong willed daughter. I am proud to have a daughter who […]
How to Gently Handle Your Kids Fighting
When siblings argue or fight, it can take every ounce of self-control not to shout “why are you always fighting?!” or “can’t you just get along!”. After all, some of the squabbles can seem totally insignificant, especially the ‘he/she touched me’ type. However, in gently responding to your kids fighting, you can model patience, teach empathy, […]
Do This One Thing to Stop Whining in Kids
I love my kids to no end. But, there are days where a whiny voice can really drive me up the wall. I would have to say it’s one of my parenting triggers. I can handle hitting, tantrums and meltdowns. What I really can’t handle too well, is whining and overall rudeness. It’s my weakness. I have […]
How to Listen to Your Child: This one thing affects behavior
Are you reading this to find some actionable tip to make parenting a breeze? Do you have a child who is quick to anger and seems to lose his/her temper quickly? Let’s face it, parenting is TOUGH. Raising resilient and confident children while maintaining our composure in a sleep-deprived, caffeine-medicated haze is no easy feat. Check out […]
How to Avoid Overstimulation in Kids During the Holidays
Kids DO get overstimulated. Despite the belief of many, all of the sights and sounds and crowds during the holidays can be a lot for kids to digest. You know your child best, if they seem like they are getting overstimulated to you, then they probably are. There are a few things you can help do […]
How to Gently Handle Aggression in Young Children
As parents it can be difficult to know how to respond to your child’s anger and aggression, here are some tips to gently handle aggression. Hitting, biting and kicking all happen with young kids. Even though we know this, it never makes it easier to deal with or handle as parents. I know for me, […]
Parenting Advice You Won’t Hear Every Day
Parenting is tough. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the way we are supposed to do things. By that, I mean when scrolling your Facebook feed of your friends ‘highlight reels’, it’s easy to get discouraged and to feel like you’re doing it ALL wrong. Albeit, I do believe there are some less than positive […]
Books About Accountability and Responsibility
Reading books about accountability and responsibility to kids is a great way to supplement some of those difficult conversations about challenging concepts. “He did it first!” “She told me to do it.” “You never told me I wasn’t allowed to do that!” These are all lines that kids will use to avoid ‘getting in […]
Is Your Child Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten? Questions to Ask.
My oldest is starting Kindergarten…cue the tears. In the blink of an eye he is 5, he will be with his teacher for more waking hours than he will be with me, and he will start to really have a life outside of the one in my bubble. I’ve written a lot about spirited kids […]
Co-Sleeping to Toddler Bed Transition Tips
I’ve always co-slept with my kids for their first year (and beyond in some cases). I’m all for it and love the ease of nighttime feedings and cuddles. But inevitably, there comes a point where I want my bed back, I want to wean the feedings, and I want to really sleep without the subconscious […]