Kids can test our patience. Despite your best efforts at positive and gentle parenting, there are certainly days where our emotions get the best of us, and we might even snap. These powerful mantras can help. Reciting positive sayings, and reminding ourselves of why we need to remain calm, or rethink how we are viewing […]
How to Raise Optimistic Kids: The Power of Positive Thinking for Children
As parents, we want to raise optimistic kids who view the world with the glass half full. Not only does it make them more enjoyable to be around, but kids with a positive outlook generally perform better overall, particularly academically. This style of optimistic thinking doesn’t protect kids from getting angry (that’s normal), rather it […]
How to Listen to Your Child: This one thing affects behavior
Are you reading this to find some actionable tip to make parenting a breeze? Do you have a child who is quick to anger and seems to lose his/her temper quickly? Let’s face it, parenting is TOUGH. Raising resilient and confident children while maintaining our composure in a sleep-deprived, caffeine-medicated haze is no easy feat. Check out […]
Books About Accountability and Responsibility
Reading books about accountability and responsibility to kids is a great way to supplement some of those difficult conversations about challenging concepts. “He did it first!” “She told me to do it.” “You never told me I wasn’t allowed to do that!” These are all lines that kids will use to avoid ‘getting in […]
Saying “Calm Down” To Your Kids Doesn’t Actually Work
It’s something I have written about a lot on here. Spirited kids, difficult kids, intense kids…helping them calm down, teaching them tactics to calm themselves. It’s something that we all understand as parents, what it means to ‘calm down’. But guess who doesn’t? Our kiddos. RESOURCE: FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY I know for me, […]
5 Steps to Reconnecting with Your Kids After Yelling
I believe in gentle parenting. I do not believe in yelling at, or shaming my children. That said…nobody is perfect. I definitely lose my cool at times, and I yell. I would love to tell you that it never happens and that my parenting is right out of a child psychology textbook, but that would […]
10 Ways to Become a More Positive and Present Parent in 2016
There are days where I feel like I have this parenting thing under my belt…and then there are days where it just completely gets the best of me. Ironically, those days actually have very little to do with my children and are more a product of outside stressors wearing on my patience, or a severe lack […]