Teaching accountability to kids is possible with these simple tips and ideas. Positively parent your way to a culture of responsibility in your household. Accountability is a really hard concept for kids to grasp. The idea that you are responsible for your own actions, and then have to accept that responsibility is quite the […]
15 Kids Bath Toys PLUS Tips for Making Bath Time Fun!
Bath time can be a difficult time of transition for many kids. By making bath time a fun and enjoyable experience for your little one, it can become a great addition to a calming bedtime routine and can also serve as a boredom buster for long days spent at home! We like to make bath […]
A Letter To My Wife’s Online Mommy Friends
This is a guest post written by my husband. My mommy friends that I have met online have certainly gotten me through a fair share of my parenting, and for that I could never thank them enough. To those of you that have online mommy friends, I hope you and your husbands can relate as […]
How to Listen to Your Child: This one thing affects behavior
Are you reading this to find some actionable tip to make parenting a breeze? Do you have a child who is quick to anger and seems to lose his/her temper quickly? Let’s face it, parenting is TOUGH. Raising resilient and confident children while maintaining our composure in a sleep-deprived, caffeine-medicated haze is no easy feat. Check out […]
Working Together: Active Parenting in Foster Families and Stepfamilies
This is a guest post written on behalf of Active Parenting. I think their suggestions for providing open communication and support to children in times of transition are very valuable. Active Parenting in Foster Families and Stepfamilies The number of single foster parents and stepfamilies in the United States is growing substantially. According to the […]
10 Health-Conscious Brands Moms Want to Know About
I recently had the opportunity to attend the WOW Summit, a health-conscious conference for bloggers and moms. It.was.fantastic. I went as a blogger, eager to learn and connect, and left a better mom. No joke. I cried like a baby listening to Rachel Martin of Finding Joy as she told us that we were enough, I met […]
As You go to Kindergarten: A Letter to My Boy on His First Day of School
My son will go to Kindergarten, and I feel like a part of me is leaving with him. When did my baby get so big? A letter to my boy as he goes to Kindergarten, I have great hopes for him, but the emotional toll this transition is taking on me is REAL. As You […]
Co-Sleeping to Toddler Bed Transition Tips
I’ve always co-slept with my kids for their first year (and beyond in some cases). I’m all for it and love the ease of nighttime feedings and cuddles. But inevitably, there comes a point where I want my bed back, I want to wean the feedings, and I want to really sleep without the subconscious […]
20 Hopes for My Spirited Child
Being the mother of a spirited child is not always easy. Sometimes it’s challenging, often exhausting, and always rewarding. When others see snippets of my boy’s spirited nature they might quip that he’s ‘too loud’, ‘talks too much’, ‘interrupts’ or ‘doesn’t listen’. What they don’t always see, is that he is highly inquisitive, very analytical, […]
Saying “Calm Down” To Your Kids Doesn’t Actually Work
It’s something I have written about a lot on here. Spirited kids, difficult kids, intense kids…helping them calm down, teaching them tactics to calm themselves. It’s something that we all understand as parents, what it means to ‘calm down’. But guess who doesn’t? Our kiddos. RESOURCE: FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY I know for me, […]